Academic Writing-Planning Basic Outline, Taking Notes and Example -

 yang pada umumnya materi ini biasa di bahas dalam mata kuliah Academic Writing Academic Writing-Planning Basic Outline, Taking Notes and Example
Hello sahabat Administrasi Ngajar. Pada artikel kali ini  kami menyuguhkan  pembahasan tentang planning basic outline  yang pada umumnya materi ini biasa di bahas dalam mata kuliah Academic Writing. Apa itu academic writing?  Academic writing adalah mata kuliah yang membahas tentang tulisan yang lebih akademis. seperti long essay atau essay panjang. Anak bahasa inggris lebih suka jika sebuah materi yang ia cari menggunkan bahasa inggris secara langsung So, Now I want to try explain about planning basic outline with use English language to make it easier.


What is basic outline? A basic outline is your first attempt to organize the ideas of your paper. It will help you focus your research and consider the order of your ideas.

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How to make basic outline?
Choosing And Ordering Point
¢  Write your question and answer
¢  You have to answer your question and support your thesis. Do not look at your sources-use your own brain.
¢  Look at your list and organize the ideas.
¢  The remaining ideas will be the main points of your paper.
¢  Decide how to order these points.
¢  Your paper should also cover alternative or opposing viewpoints to show that you have done complete research and considered all ideas.
¢  Divede your sections into smallest point.
¢  Research Question: whether smoking is harmful to healt?
¢  Thesis:  smoking is very dangerous for healt.
¢  Section:
¢  I.  Definition of Cigarettes.
¢  II. Cigarette danger and Impact.
¢  III. Factors Causing Children to Smoking.
¢  IV. Ways to Overcome and Avoid Children from Cigarettes.
Planing- Taking Notes
An important part of the research and planning proccess is taking notes of the information and ideas that you find. As you read a sourch,making and writing down the important things that you read will help you to remember them and understant them better.
Where to take notes.
¢  On photocopies or printed internet documents
¢  On a computer file
¢  In a notebook
¢  On note cards
What to take notes about
¢   Background information about your topic which is necessary for your paper.
¢  Arguments and explanations which support or oppose your ideas.
¢  Fact, examples, expert opinions, and other supporting details.
How to take notes
¢  Summarize – write the main points of the source in your own words. Good for sources with ideas, but not many detail, related to your topic.
¢  Paraphrase -  retell important information in your own words; use quotation marks for directly copied words. Good for details which will support/oppose you.
¢   Quote – copy the exact words from the source. Good for strong, exciting passages.
¢   Comment – write any questions or ideas you think of when you are reading sources.  

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