Example of Paragraph About Smoking - foldersoal.com
Rabu, 25 Maret 2015
Smoking is very dangerous for health, Smoking habits have become a culture in various nations around the world. The majority of smokers around the world 47% are male populations while 12% are female population with various age categories. Varius reasons for smoking various people, among these childrend is a factor of prestige and to be called ”hero” in fact there is an interesting saying that is used as a correction of smoking habits that is “there ara roosters on the tile, not smoking is not handsome”. Cigarettes are cylinders of paper of a length between 70 to 120 mm (varying by country) with a diameter of about 10 mm containing tobacco leaves that have been chopped. Cigarettes are burned at one end and allowed to simmer so that the smoke can be inhaled through the mouth at the other end.
Smoking is a problem that is difficult to solve. Moreover, it has become a national, and even international problem. This becomes difficult, because it relates to many factors that trigger each other, so that it seems to have become a vicious circle. In terms of health, smoking must be stopped because it causes cancer and blockage of blood vessels which results in death, therefore smoking must be stoppe d as an effort to prevent it as early as possible. Moreover, it is known that most smokers are children and adolescents, so early prevention is needed starting from the family to the school.
Here are some of the dangers of smoke for children and impact:
2) Interfering with the development of intelligence; a study in Italy, showed that children who smoked the ability to learn to read it more slowly than children whose mothers did not smoke. Another study in the United States, shows that 11-year-old children who smoke, their learning ability is 6 months late.
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4) Brain cancer 22%
5) Leukemia
6) Infection of the ear
7) Sudden death syndrome
a. Social Factors
The biggest factor of smoking habits is influenced by social or environmental factors, where a person's character is shaped by the surrounding environment, both from family, neighbors, or social associates.
b. Needs to suck and chew
Everyone has the need to suck and chew.
c. Automatic Repeating Response
When someone has done something many times and quite often, it will create a pattern of repetition of certain behaviors automatically.
d. Genetic Factors
Not everyone is very dependent on nicotine. There are some people who are more easily addicted to nicotine than others, with reasons that are still difficult to understand. And these reasons are believed to be inherited in the genetic code.
e. Addiction to nerve cells
The brain normally has substances that provide a calming effect and stimulation effects on nerve cells, where these substances work by attaching to nerve cell receptors.
Ways to overcome and avoid children from cigarettes. Children smoking will certainly not be liked by parents miss their children smoking outside the supervision of parents. There are several things that can be done by parents, namely:
1. Try to discuss sensitive topics by not frightening or a kind of judgment.
2. Emphasize to children about what is right and not about what is wrong, and self-confidence is the best protection for children to avoid the pressure of their peers.
3. Encourage children to engage in activities that prohibit smoking.
4. It's important to keep talking to children about the dangers of using cigarettes for years.
5. Ask the child what is interesting and not interesting about cigarettes, try to be a patient listener.
Today cigarettes are already rampant and can not be stopped from spreading, we also cannot just let go of the danger caused by cigarettes. Because it is clear that cigarettes have a lot of negative side in their use. So From the examples of the above danger it is clear that smoking is very negative for children both from physiological aspects and psychological aspects
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